I enjoyed it more than films such as Confidence and the Oceans 11 type films. I would say that it clearly the best film in this genre of film. However it is a very slick film that gets away with it. On the down side, you may see the ending coming and there is a romance part of the film that feels unnecessary. In many ways it reminded me of all the good things that was in the BBC TV show hustle. i thought the acting performances were all good especially that of Kevin Spacey's. I thought it made the card playing parts actually riveting even though i am not a card player myself. but I was presently surprised about how good the film was and everyone seemed to agree that the film was really good. even though it was free i would have paid good money to see that film. I was lucky enough to see this film for free at a special screening in greater London as part of a market research by the film industry.